We change the world...
One Leader at a time!
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Hi, I'm Gerry
I'm a corporate culture crusader, and Leadership cultivator, which means I optimize businesses and I'm absolutely obsessed with helping Leaders unleash their full potential.
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My work (and this site) is devoted to sharing ideas, tools, and resources that will make you a better Leader.
Early in my career, when I was still struggling to figure it all out, someone took the time to lend me a hand. I didn't know it then, but this is what Leadership is all about. This encounter altered my perspective in a profound way. Since then, I've made it my mission to help others as well. For this reason, most of my content is available free of charge and always will be. Click here to read the full story.
Become a better Leader.
In this insightful (and free) Leadership Indicator Assessment you'll learn:
- Daily interactions that indicate your true Leadership potential.
- 16 attributes required to transform you into a great Leader.
- Next steps to get you there faster.
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Check out our Leadership resources
Whether it's daily inspiration, group training, our blog, e-books, print books, or online courses, we've got something to get Leaders to the next level. Oh yeah, most of it is free!
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What people are saying!
Chris Heisey
Vice President
The tools and training that Gerry provided were some of the big pieces that were missing in my life. They aren't "quick tips or tricks" that provide an easy fix - they are fundamental skills and rules to live by that start at the personal level first and work outward.
These steps seem easy in theory but require a lot of hard work and dedication, not just to the process, but to yourself and your team. Leadership comes from the top down, that's a fact. If you don't address the issues with how YOU, as the Leader operate first then nothing that follows will ever be as successful as it could be.
There is no way that I can ever say thank you enough for everything that you have given me!
April Mancini
Senior Project Manager
My company recently brought Gerry onboard to incorporate much needed leadership. Gerry is a true and consummate leader, in unassuming fashion. Being firm and consistent, his ability to unify only underscores teamwork. He’s involved, and always available to listen, hear, and assist. He is solution driven and allots everyone their own creative freedom. He’s created company solidarity, and a newfound confidence in each other as a team. Our internal operations have greatly improved with process, transparency, and communication. He’s successfully fostered organic, professional growth of our team and work
environment. We’ve all benefited from his style, principles, and values. Gerry is revered by the entire team.
Ashley Caldarone
Senior Project Manager
Gerry was asked to assist my company when we were facing some serious difficulties and hard times. Within 3 months of Gerry being brought into the company, we had lost almost every senior member of the core project management team. Changes like this usually led to decreased morale, loss of employees, and overall company downturn. This was not the case though, as Gerry was able to keep a firm grip on the workings of the company, as well as the minds of the staff. He has been able to turn around internal morale issues, assist our team with conflict resolution, and really make a positive difference where it was needed most. I believe that if there is anyone that can help a company become its best self, it is Gerry. His methods are tried and proven, and he is absolutely someone who turns a piece of coal into a diamond.
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